
ETHOS engineering s.r.l. is an Italian engineering company performing studies, design and research activities in the civil engineering sectors. In particular, it develops engineering services for infrastructure and transportation, water, environment, architecture and urban planning, structural and geotechnical engineering, plant engineering. Its objective is technical and scientific quality and excellence in the fields of engineering and architecture.


ETHOS engineering s.r.l. was established in 2014 by two technical directors and two technical employees from Progetti e Ambiente S.p.A., an engineering firm founded in 1991  with great experience and excellent know-how and nowadays closed; so ETHOS engineering srl achieves the technical experience of 23 years of engineering company management and more than one thousand projects developed for Public Administration, Construction Firms, Port Authorities and Private Financers.


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ETHOS engineering s.r.l. services cover all project phases, starting from the consulting activities and feasibility studies in preparation for executing works to the final and construction design, works management, accounting and safety coordination activities. In particular, Ethos engineering services include: surveys; technical - economic feasibility and planning studies; preliminary, final and construction design; financial and management analysis; work supervision and technical assistance; staff training and technology transfer; scientific research in environmental monitoring coordination of integrated design and operational management; maintenance plans for infrastructures; assistance to works assignment.


The technical staff of ETHOS engineering s.r.l. is composed by hydraulic engineers, geotechnical engineers, civil, structural and environmental engineers, architects.


ETHOS engineering s.r.l. carries out his technical activity adopting the most state-of-the-art modelling systems and advanced technologies.


The two Technical directors of ETHOS engineering s.r.l. have managed for Progetti e Ambiente, projects abroad, in China, Iraq and Libia and developed joint ventures with professional partners belonging to the scientific and academic area both in Italy and abroad


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